SPE Trondheim YP TechNight - Reservoir Engineering

When:  May 24, 2022 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (CET)
Associated with  Trondheim Section

Society of Petroleum Engineers, Trondheim Section and NTNU (Department of Geoscience and Petroleum - IGP) would like to welcome you to a YP Technical event. The location will be IGP, building P1, room PTS1.

Two presentations on reservoir engineering topics will be given by two YPs from Equinor ASA:

Pierrick Casanova (Senior Reservoir Engineer): "Discovered at Easter, production in June, paid off in September".

Stefan Crummenerl (Reservoir Engineer): "Between software and reservoir, how coding changes the work of a reservoir engineer."

We invite you to join us for knowledge transfer and networking with students and professionals!

The event will start at 18:00. After the talk, pizza will be served and there will be an opportunity for social exchange.

The event is free for SPE members (non-members pay 99,-).


IGP - NTNU Department of Geoscience and Petroleum
S.P. Andersens veg 15 A
Trondheim, 7031
Event Image


Elhans Imanovs
+47 482 49 331